Potato People 258

Every piece of food has its own personality, so its best
not to select the high maintenance fruits and vegetables

“Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel.” – – Leonardo da Vinci


One Hander 355

One-handed vertical push-ups. Not exactly the girl next door




Extra Wet Summer 254

It’s been a very wet spring, and enjoying an afternoon at the park is just not the same




I've got your back 472

I’ve got your back!




Ice Lickers 286

You know its a boring place when the biggest attraction in town is licking blocks of ice




Like Father Like Son 239

Like father like son




Animal Liesure 276

Like father like son. Wait, what?




Obama and the Q-Tips 356

President Obama wants the military to make a different fashion statement




Food Art 3381

As a kid, I was always told not to play with my food. But sometimes I just can’t resist




Mini Monks in 3d 887

Junior monk training is not what it used to be




The Distraction 283

Much like people, animals hate being ignored




KKK on Viagra 067

Last week the Klan discovered the benefits of Viagra




Scaffolding 785

No word yet on why they need scaffolding on top of the water tower




Stormtrooper Soup 387

Stormtrooper soup, one of the nine major food groups of the future




Great Walk 837

Some locations are just screaming to have a horror movie made there




Carrot Mouse 287

Elitism is alive and well among carrot-driving mouse racers




Symbolic Toes 235

No, she’s not flipping you off. She wanted feet that would work well with pointy shoes




Tag team 487

Before weight classes were developed, boxing opponents were strictly the luck of the draw




Tactical Kitten 457

What kind of war would it be without a tactical kitten?




What is better than driving past one DeLorean 562

What could possibly be better than spotting a DeLorean on the road?




Egg Drama 386

Some breakfasts are just frightening!




For the love of ella 783

A simply hug will make the whole day seem better,
even though baby elephants are not all that huggable




Just one of those days 576

Just one of those days




Hungry Dish 276

The ultimate diet dish will eat most of your food so you don’t have to




Straight Up 067

Ready. Fire. Aim. It’s a guy thing




Road of Roses 762

When a bed of roses just isn’t good enough




High There 212

“Oh, hi there!”




You've been logged 762

A log in the hands is worth two in the…..




Pole Girls 287

When you cross pole dancers with circus performers, this is what happens

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