Weight Watchers newest diet plan begins every meal with a vegetable shower
“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.” – – A. Whitney Brown
Do the laws of attraction apply to worms? Apparently so
Some women are too much to unleash all at once
Every hair-raising experience begins with a reason to raise the hair. We’re still looking
Washington’s newest budget is so far under water they had to call in divers to finish it
Just another deer looking for headlights
…and Monsanto says all this new food is actually good for us?
On the last episode of The Apprentice, Donald Trump got so angry…
…that his head exploded
You know your dog is destined for greatness when it comes with it’s own bat symbol
…meanwhile, in a back room at the Federal Reserve Bank…
In a round world, why do we have so many squares?
Finally, Congress spent money on something useful
The good people at Oreo are busy growing a whole new batch of goodness
Well, where do you think frozen cherry pie comes from?
My new chair fits me like a glove
After a lifetime of crunching numbers, he took his old box of pencils and just went nuts
Every laptop comes with a reason while you will fail. Best to find it early
Unleashing the tiger within. All you have to do is open the damn door!
Mark Zuckerberg reinvented social networking,
so its about time someone reinvented him
Makin’ copies. That Xerox is quite the company!
Too much rain will cause your house to wrinkle
When the shootee gets upfront and personal with the shooter,
new bloodlines will be formed
Defiant chicks! They’re everywhere!
Fear is a crazy thing to waste
Time to celebrate a nerdy achievement
A little kid with a big ass
A girl named Candy, better known as the human guy-magnet