A hole in one vs one in a hole…
Quote of the Day: “A word to the wise ain’t necessary – it’s the stupid ones that need the advice.” – Bill Cosby
Few win a staring match with a branch, but that never stopped Pikachu!
Kissing mermaids can be very challenging.
The rabid hummingbird was searching for his next victim.
Dripping with Patriotism
In his world, he was known as “Buffalo Bill” because he raised them, not because he shot them
The giant marshmallow got a little crispier than intended.
A crane lifting a crane lifting a crane lifting a crane
Goldy was always getting attacked by other cats and couldn’t figure out why.
My friend just 3D printed a mini me!
Marlboro is really reaching out to new markets.
Possession is nine tenths of the law. The other nine tenths is water
For him, every day is Caturday
Hmmm, this walkway seems legit
So near yet so far away
The outer trappings of humanity melt away in an artists eye.
When it came to picking his super powers, why did he pick “horns?”
It’s where to go for all your computing needs
And then there was NOSE!
We only serve happy rice!
Mobster dog!
Take your daughter to work day kinda went downhill fast after she blew away that Hummer.
The cuddle bunch
And we say that art is a reflection of life..
The automatic toothbrush just got a little out of control.
Jim Carrey being tortured by Jim Carrey. It’s a daily thing… IN HELL!
Sometimes you’re the gator, sometimes you’re the gar
Extreme yoga move known as checkmate!
Embarrassingly, this chicken coop has more real wood in it than my house
When your only remaining options for advertising are girls. But isn’t this
discrimination against gender, age, and people who don’t looking good in red plastic pants?