Reinventing Monopolies


Futurist Thomas Frey:  In 1936 Edwin Howard Armstrong unveiled an improvement in radio that would later become known as FM radio. Working out of an office on the 82nd floor of the Empire State Building, an office provided by RCA, Armstrong was on the verge of revolutionizing the radio industry. But it was a revolution that would not happen for several decades.


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123 year old recording may be Edison’s talking doll


The picture on the shows the original phonograph removed from the doll’s body.

Using advanced imaging technology, scientists have recovered a 123-year-old recording made by Thomas Edison. The recording is believed to be the world’s first attempt at a talking doll and may mark the dawn of the American recording industry.

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The shocking true tale of the Mad Genius who invented Sea-Monkeys

sea monkeys 2345

This was a classic comic book ad for many many years.

Did you ever order Sea Monkeys from an ad in the back of a comic book? The man behind the “Bowlfull of Happiness” was Harold von Braunhut, who’s life was so much more than sea monkeys…

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Jousting on Segways


Actually, the Segway would be a fairly sound vehicle for modern jousting, as this commercial for the State of Washington’s lottery illustrates. But buying lottery tickets is probably not a likely route to this most excellent goal…

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Sir Richard Branson’s Deep-Sea Submarine to Explore Ocean’s Unknown Depths


Exploring the unknowns of the ocean.

Our ocean, particularly deep ocean, is one of the least explored places on earth. We know just a fraction of what plants and animals live under the waves, and barely understand the complexity of ocean ecosystems. One part of this is because we haven’t spent as much time designing and building the sophisticated tools required for diving into the deepest parts of the sea as we have building space ships. That needs to change, and Sir Richard Branson wants to be a leading figure in that change. He has unveiled the Virgin Oceanic submarine, capable of diving into even the Mariana Trench. But this will be just one of five incredible trenches the submarine is set to explore…

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World’s First Cell Phone Call


Martin Cooper with first cell phone.

On April 3rd, 1973, 38 years ago, Martin Cooper made a phone call while walking down the street in New York City. At the time, he was the general manager of the company’s communications division. He had promoted the idea that phone numbers shouldn’t be tethered to a place, but to people. And they should be able to take their phones with them, anywhere they went.

When Martin Cooper made that first cell phone call, he did not make it to another cell phone. People didn’t have them yet — who could he call?

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Melanie Romero is a Celebrity Judge at DaVinci Institute Inventor Showcase


Melanie Romero with Karen Porte, inventor of TuGo

I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and hope to participate again next year.  For the first time in my life I was the Judge rather than the one being “judged”!  It was fun to see all of the different inventions and business ideas, and to talk with each participant about where they are in their process.  You can see me here with a great product called “TuGo” that helps hold beverages in the handles of your rolling luggage.  Pretty cool and very easy!


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By delving into the futuring techniques of Futurist Thomas Frey, you’ll embark on an enlightening journey.

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