For those considering gastric bypass surgery, take a look at Amazon’s do-it-yourself kit. It’s only $260 (cheap!) and comes with 3 sets (so you don’t have to get it right the first time!). Bring your own anesthetics and instructions, though.
Milk from organic cattle that eat a fresh grass diet is consistently better for your health, a new study claims. Researchers have found that organic milk generally contained less saturated fat and more good fatty acids than milk produced at intensive commercial dairy farms.
Tanner (L), a seven-year old bootlenose dolphin, is seen at the Dolphin Research Center in Grassy Key, Florida.
Even blindfolded, a 7-year-old bottlenose dolphin named Tanner was able to mimic another dolphin’s behavior — proof, according to Florida researchers, that dolphins are masters of imitation second only to humans.
Having type ‘O’ blood may give some protection against heart attacks.
Blood group ‘O’ protects people against heart attacks , say researchers. A new study, published in The Lancet journal, has revealed that the same gene which creates the enzyme that causes people to be blood group ‘O’ gives them some protection against heart attacks.
This video shot by Modernist Cuisine shows a drop of liquid nitrogen hitting a hot frying pan. It doesn’t instantly vaporize because a thin layer of vapor briefly insulates the drop. Scientists call this phenomenon the Leidenfrost Effect…
US authorities issued a recall Friday for a brand of Pakistan-made candy called Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Chew Bars because it turns out the sweets actually are toxic.
‘Superstreet’ traffic designs result in faster travel times and significantly fewer accidents.
No left turn. That is the simple concept behind the Superstreet traffic design which promises significantly faster travel times, plus a drastic reduction in auto-collisions and injuries. These superstreets are ground level streets – not raised freeways or highways – that allow for greater volume of thru-traffic by re-routing traffic from side streets that would normally be trying to get across the main road. While the idea has been around in urban transport modeling textbooks for over 20 years, researchers from the North Carolina State University have been the first to test the concept in the real world and the results are promising.
A top-selling digital song of 2010 was “California Gurls” by Katy Perry (4.4 million).
U.S. music sales fell 2.4% in 2010 to 1.5 billion units, as CD sales plummeted nearly 20% while digital track sales were up just 1%, according to a report from Nielsen and Billboard. Digital track sales were 1.17 billion in 2010, up from 1.16 in 2009. While CD sales fell precipitously last year, digital album sales rose 13% to 863 million. The report notes that digital music accounted for 46% of all U.S. music purchases in 2010, up from 40% in 2009 and 32% in 2008, and digital track sales broke the 1 billion sales mark for the third straight year.
Scientists develop GM chickens that do not spread bird flu.
British scientists have developed genetically modified (GM) chickens that cannot transmit bird flu infections — a step that in future could reduce the risk of avian flu spreading and causing deadly epidemics in humans.
Do you find it hard to wakeup suddenly to that damn morning alarm clock everyday before the sunrise? Well, an eye mask that will wake you up gently by simulating sunrise half an hour before the alarm beeps is on the anvil.