E. Coli Bacteria Could Become Our Next Computer Hard Drives


Data can be stored in bacteria?

Researchers have figured out that data can be stored in bacteria, and that a single gram of bacteria can store more information than 450 2-terabyte hard drives! This storing and encrypting information in living organisms is called biostorage, and students at Hong Kong’s Chinese University are using E. coli to test the possibilities of how we store information in the future.

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What is Your Facebook Profile Telling ID Thieves?


Seemingly harmless information can help ID thieves unlock key to your identity.

Your pet’s name is a thieve’s best friend.  You may think you’re revealing precious little when you tell your Facebook friends that you’re dressing your pooch, Puddles, in your favorite color, red, for brunch at Grandma’s on Sunday. But you’ve actually just opened a Pandora’s box of risks.


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Obama Adminstration Eyeing National Internet ID for All Americans

internet id

The Obama administration is currently drafting what it’s calling the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace.

President Obama is planning to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority over a forthcoming cybersecurity effort to create an Internet ID for Americans, a White House official said.


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A Step Closer to a Universal Flu Shot That Protects for Life


Antibodies developed in patients who had the H1N1 pandemic flu strain that protect against a variety of flu strains.

The swine flu outbreak that swept across the globe claiming over 14,000 lives could provide scientists with a vital clue to creating a universal vaccine, a study claims. Researchers have found several patients infected with the 2009 H1N1 pandemic flu strain have developed antibodies that are protective against a variety of flu strains.

’80s Tech Explained by iPod Era Children

floppy disk

Kids guessed the floppy disk was everything from a camera to a credit card.

Because we have yet to realize the sci-fi dream of time machines, currently the best way to time travel and peer into the future is by looking at the past. In this case, a group of kids give us a preview of just how strange some of today’s devices may appear to kids born just two decades from now. (Video)



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Thomas Frey Speaks at CES on the Speed of Information Access


A panel of futurists made a presentation January 8t in the K-Zone of the Kodak exhibit at the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES).  Members of the Panel will included Thomas Frey, a Senior Futurist and Executive Director of the Denver based DaVinci Institute, David Houle, the Futurist Blogger at EvolutionShift.com and Terry Taber, the Chief Technology Officer for Kodak.


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Pranksters Dye River in Canada Bright Fluorescent Green


Last week, pranksters dyed the Goldstream River on Vancouver Island bright green using the dye fluorescein. Apparently the river was so bright that it was painful to look at. Here’s footage of this roiling ectoplasmic channel.  (video)


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Laser Cannons Could Defend Ships Against Pirates

laser cannon

Lasers cannons could be mounted on ships and boats to help fight off pirates attempting to board the vessels.

British engineers are developing a new type of defense system that uses lasers to incapacitate pirates by dazzling them as they approach a ship.  Lasers cannons could be mounted on ships and boats to help fight off pirates attempting to board the vessels.

Shift in Tactics Give Pirates an Edge as They Prey on Ships Further Out at Sea


Pirates off the Horn of Africa.

Two years after international forces dispatched a flotilla of warships to counter piracy around the Horn of Africa, attacks on merchant ships are rising again.Last year, pirates captured 53 ships in the region, up from 51 in 2009, according to the Combined Maritime Forces, which oversees the operations. There were 160 attempted attacks in 2010, up from 145 the year before.


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Why It Will Be at Least 200 Years Before Interstellar Travel will Be Possible


We won’t have enough power until 2211 for interstellar travel.

Interstellar travel won’t be possible for at least 200 years, according to a former NASA propulsion scientist who has some new calculations. And by then, the spaceships we would design for the trip will be obsolete.


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