First Baby Boomers Turn 65 in 2011, But Are They Ready for Retirement?

baby boomers

The first baby boomers will turn 65 in 2011, but is this generation truly ready to leave the workforce?

“Baby boomer” is the name given to the generation born in a “baby boom” following World War II, between 1946 and 1964. There are about 78 million in all, which is 26 percent of the population. Those turning 65 this year will be eligible for Medicare, and full retirement in 2012.


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Amazing Photo of a Frog Riding on a Snake to Escape the Floods in Australia


Frog rides a snake to escape flood.

Sure, they’ve had their differences in the past, but when times are tough even frogs and snakes can share in a little cold-blooded solidarity. Amid the devastating floods in Queensland, Australia, computer technician Armin Gerlach spotted an unusual sight — a frog riding atop the surface of the water on the back of a snake as the pair sought out solid ground. It’s hard not to be inspired by the cooperative duo, particularly considering that snakes are quite fond of eating frogs, and vice versa.

‘Frozen Smoke’ – World’s Lightest Solid Material

frozen smoke

Scientists develop new, ultra-light form of “frozen smoke”.

Scientists are reporting the development of a new, ultra-light form of “frozen smoke” — renowned as the world’s lightest solid material — with amazing strength and an incredibly large surface area.

Primary Source of News for Young Adults is Now the Internet



Web is no longer playing catch-up among young adults

Television has long been the primary source of news for all Americans, but for the first time, young adults have changed that trend. Consumers ages 18 to 29 now say that the internet is their primary source of national and international news, according to The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.


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Google App Now Translates Your Conversations


Google’s Tranlsate App for Android now allows users to translate conversations in Spanish and English. 

Not content with solving every sudoku puzzle, Google has now dismantled the language barrier.  An update to Google’s Tranlsate App for Android now allows users to translate conversations in Spanish and English.

Space Adventures to Offer Commercial Spaceflight Opportunities to the ISS with Three Seats Available in 2013

Dennis Tito

Space Adventures became world-renowned 10 years ago with the launch of Dennis Tito, the world’s first privately-funded space explorer.

Space Adventures, the only company that has provided human space mission opportunities to the world marketplace, announced today the conclusion of an agreement with the Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation (FSA) and Rocket Space Corporation Energia (RSC Energia) to commercially offer three seats on the Soyuz spacecraft bound for the International Space Station (ISS), beginning in 2013.


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Top 10 Most Influential CEO’s Under 30 in 2010

mark zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook

The nominations and votes are in from the Under30CEO audience and below we have put together the 30 most influential Under30CEO’s from 2010. Influence was asked to be judged on how much the person’s ventures were impacting the world and the way we live everyday. This entire group is tremendous and together their ventures are valued near $100billion and reach millions if not billions of people across the world.  While most of these companies are private, we’ve done our best to find as much financial information available about their companies.

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High Blood Pressure in Kids Linked to Secondhand Smoke


Secondhand smoke linked to high blood pressure in kids.

Young kids who live with a parent who smokes face an increased risk for developing high blood pressure while still children, a new study has found. Warning that children with high blood pressure often become adults with the same problem, the researchers suggested that secondhand smoke poses a substantial and long-term risk to the cardiovascular welfare of young children.


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Watching More Than Four Hours of TV a Day Damages Your Heart Even If You Are Fit

watching rv

The chance of heart disease and premature death from any cause soars for those spending more than four hours a day watching TV.

Watching too much television or playing computer games damages your heart regardless of how much exercise you do, scientists have warned. The risk of heart disease and premature death from any cause doubled for those spending more than fours hours a day glued to a screen, it was claimed.

Ban Plastic Bags Rap Video Goes Viral


OK, so the Great Pacific Garbage Patch may not be anywhere near as big as we thought, and some activists think plastic bags are a distraction from the major environmental issues we face. But that doesn’t stop many others from holding up the single-use plastic bag as a symbol of all that is wrong with our consumer culture. Now a viral rap video is making the rounds, calling on cities around the Globe to step up and ban the single-use plastic bag.

Mobile Broadband Users Will Surpass 1 Billion by the End of 2011

 mobile broadband

Number of mobile broandband subrscriptions to surpass 1 billion in 2011.

Mobile broadband subscriptions are on track to surpass 1 billion in 2011 only months after reaching half a billion, Ericsson said on Tuesday, highlighting a key growth driver for the telecom sector.


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