World’s toughest law banning logo’s on cigarette packs upheld in Australia

Tobacco companies fear the law will set a global precedent that could slash billions from the values of their brands.

The highest court in Australia upheld the world’s toughest law on cigarette promotion Wednesday.  The law prohibits tobacco company logos on cigarette packs that will instead show cancer-riddled mouths, blinded eyeballs and sickly children.


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Menthol smokers have more strokes: Study


Some experts say menthol makes it easier to start smoking and harder to quit because its taste masks the harshness of tobacco.

Among people who smoke who prefer mentholated cigarettes tend to have more strokes than non-menthol smokers – and this seems to be especially true for women and non-African Americans, according to a North American study.

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U.S. government provides legal marijauna in decades old program

government marijauna

Elvy Musikka, 72, displays her marijuana cigarettes, which she regularly receives from the U.S. Government.

On a moonlit highway in rural Oregon, sometime after midnight a state trooper is checking a car he has just pulled over.  In the car he finds less than an ounce of pot on one passenger.  That passenger is a 72-year-old woman blind in one eye. 


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Morning smokers at an increased risk of developing cancer

morning smoker

Early morning smokers have higher levels of nicotine and possibly other tobacco toxins in their body.

Are you a smoker that  needs a cigarette soon after waking up in the morning? Then, you have an increased risk of developing lung, and head and neck cancers, two new studies have warned.

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New nicotine inhaler: Is it a safer alternative to cigarettes?


Alex Hearn’s nicotine inhaler

There are thousands of ex-smokers who haven given up their habit, only to feel the yearning for the euphoric effects of nicotine. And there are the smokers who refuse to listen to reason and continue the habit saying, “Death is inevitable -whether by cigarette or a car-it make no difference.” Continue reading… “New nicotine inhaler: Is it a safer alternative to cigarettes?”

FDA unveils graphic warning labels for all cigarette packs

warning cigarettes are addictive

One of the graphic warning labels to appear in cigarette packs.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in a dramatic bid to get more Americans to quit smoking, on Tuesday released nine graphic warning labels that will appear on all packs of cigarettes by no later than September 2012.


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China Bans Smoking in Public Places but with No Penalties for Breaking the Rules

China's smoking ban

China introduces a smoking ban.

More than a million Chinese die each year from smoking related diseases, according to the China Centre for Disease Control.  China has the world’s most serious smoking problem so China has banned smoking in public places in an attempt to placate the World Health Organization, however, there are no penalties for those who flout the rules.

Number of Smoke-free Hotels is Growing


More than 12,900 lodgings serving the public in the USA are now smoke-free throughout.

Hotels, motels and other lodgings are following the trend of airlines and passenger-train operators by banning smoking throughout their premises. Some are doing it voluntarily, as public awareness about the health dangers of secondhand smoke grows. Others are being forced by a growing number of state and local laws.


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