Elon Musk receives FCC approval to launch over 7,500 satellites into space


The FCC this week unanimously approved SpaceX’s ambitious plan to launch 7,518 satellites into low-Earth orbit. These satellites, along with 4,425 previously approved satellites, will serve as the backbone for the company’s proposed Starlink broadband network. As it does with most of its projects, SpaceX is thinking big with its global broadband network. The company is expected to spend more than $10 billion to build and launch a constellation of satellites that will provide high-speed internet coverage to just about every corner of the planet.

SpaceX plans initially to launch 4,425 Starlink satellites into a low-Earth orbit followed by an additional 7,518 satellite at an even lower orbit. The first group of satellites will operate at an altitude of 1,110km to 1,325km and will form the backbone of the company’s Starlink broadband service. The additional satellites will circle the Earth at altitudes from 335km to 346km and will boost capacity and lower latency, especially in densely populated areas. Because of these low orbits, SpaceX says its planned Starlink broadband network will have latencies as low as 25ms and gigabit speeds that will rival existing cable or fiber optic systems. Not only will it be fast, but the Starlink network also will reach those areas that have poor or no internet connectivity.

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These are the skills that your kids will need for the future (Hint: It’s not coding)


The jobs of the future will involve humans collaborating with other humans to design work for machines, and value will shift from cognitive to social skills.

An education is supposed to prepare you for the future. Traditionally, that meant learning certain facts and skills, like when Columbus discovered America or how to do multiplication and long division. Today, curriculums have shifted to focus on a more global and digital world, like cultural history, basic computer skills, and writing code.

Yet the challenges that our kids will face will be much different from those we faced growing up and many of the things a typical student learns in school today will no longer be relevant by the time he or she graduates college. In fact, a study at the University of Oxford found that 47 percent of today’s jobs will be eliminated over the next 20 years.

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Toyota’s driverless cars will be able to talk to each other in the future


Cars will be able to talk to each other to avoid accidents, merge onto highways and drive us to a destination we set on the GPS sometime in the near future. This type of technology is actually already on the roads across the world and will be rolling out in Australia over the next few years.

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Americans are tolerant, tech-savvy, and meat-loving, according to our emojis


Emojis he tiny pictograms that come pre-built into most smartphones,  have been around since the late 1990s, but only recently have they begun to influence the way we communicate with each other.  They are used widely, not just by kids and millennials, but also by moms, and White House officials.   Continue reading… “Americans are tolerant, tech-savvy, and meat-loving, according to our emojis”

Scientists demonstrate direct brain-to-brain communication across 5,000 miles

brain to brain

Sending messages to other people using our cell phones is pretty convenient method, but wouldn’t it be a lot easier to just think messages to them? Telepathy is still relegated to the realm of science fiction, but an international team of researchers have gotten one step closer to making it a reality. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), scientists have managed to transmit words from one person’s brain to another 5,000 miles away.



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Intel’s Make It Wearable challenge takes on the future of communication


Wearable technology may be extending human intelligence into the next frontier of new media and intelligence. Whether we’re talking about makeup that controls drones, LED-enhanced dresses, or other wearable devices that push the boundaries of personal computing, the topic is both futuristic and vital right now. 


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U.S. Department of Transportation wants our cars to ‘talk’ to each other


Vehicle-to-vehicle communications would report where every car, bus, and truck is, where it’s going, and how fast it’s moving.

The US Department of Transportation (DOT) has announced plans to move forward with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication systems. After years of experimentation and a real-world trial in Ann Arbor, MI the government is almost ready to make peer-to-peer networking a required safety feature on all new cars.


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Virtual teams can create human connections despite distance

virtual teams

A Unify survey of knowledge workers recently found  that 79% of the respondents reported working always or frequently in virtual teams, but only 44% found virtual communication as productive as face-to-face communication.  The vast majority connected via email, phone, or conference calls even though 72% said video would make teamwork easier.  Only 34% of people use video to collaborate with coworkers. And 43% feel confused and overwhelmed by the mishmash of collaboration technology at their disposal.



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Top 20 people skills you need to succeed at work

“People skills come down to how people interact with each other.”

While being qualified for a certain job, having the ability to lead a team, or having extensive and highly developed technical skills are crucial to your professional success, it is also imperative that you have great soft skills – more commonly known as “people skills.”




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