11 ways technology may soon grant you superhuman powers

human flight

Human flight

As a child, everyone had a favorite superhuman power – flying, invisibility, comic book character strength and agility. Some of us secretly hoped to cultivate psychic powers like telekinesis, precognition, mind reading, etc., even as teens and young adults.


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FAA approves using electronics throughout your entire flight

Individual airlines still have to prove to the FDA that in-air electronics during takeoff and landing are safe for their fleet.

The Federal Aviation Administration has finally relaxed the restrictions on in-flight electronics usage. New regulations allow passengers to use e-book readers, play games, and watch videos on devices as long as they are in airplane mode.



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Airplane flies across U.S. powered by sunshine

Solar Impulse

The goal of Solar Impulse is to fly around the world using no fuel other than sunlight. But before the solar plane circumnavigates the globe they will fly across the U.S. Solar Impulse took off on May 3 proving that airplanes can fly long distances on nothing more than sunshine. (Photos)


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U.S. Senator presses FAA to allow use of electronic devices during takeoff and landing

The current rule does prohibits the use of electronic devices during takeoff and landing.

Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) wants the Federal Aviation Administration to relax its long-standing rule against the use of portable electronic devices on airplanes during takeoff and landing. The agency has traditionally claimed the rule is necessary to avoid interference with an airplane’s instruments, but it is currently reconsidering the policy.



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Would you like to choose your flight seat mate using Facebook?

This is what KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is doing: their incoming check-in system will allow passengers to choose seat mates based on their Facebook and LinkedIn profiles, so he or she would be someone who shares your interests.

That’s not a bad idea…

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Using Your Cellphone in Flight Won’t Really Crash Your Plane


You don’t have to worry about bringing everything crashing down if you accidentally forget to turn off your phone before takeoff.

No one wants their plane to crash, and no one wants to cause a scene during a flight. So, diligent passengers that we are, we turn off our gadgets when we’re told to. But no one’s dying if you don’t.


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