Brief bursts of exercise are better for the heart and circulation.
Scientists found that a number of brief bursts of exercise were better for your heart and circulation than the equivalent long distance training.
Brief bursts of exercise are better for the heart and circulation.
Scientists found that a number of brief bursts of exercise were better for your heart and circulation than the equivalent long distance training.
Working long hours is bad for your heart.
People who regularly work long hours may be significantly increasing their risk of developing heart disease, the world’s biggest killer, British scientists said Monday.
Continue reading… “Working Overtime Increases Risk of Heart Disease”
HPN wants better predictive health care.
It’s almost as if Heritage Provider Network set out to create the perfect story by mashing up all of our favorite things: clever algorithms, a multi-million dollar intellectual competition, and the future. The California-based health care provider has put up a purse of $3 million for the person or group who can come up with a predictive algorithm that accurately identifies people at risk for hospitalization in the next year, thus encouraging predictive medical measures and reducing unnecessary hospital stays.
“Patients need to be asked ‘can you afford your medications?’
A significant portion of people – perhaps as many as one in five – don’t take drugs a doctor has prescribed because they can’t pay for them, according to a new survey of people visiting an emergency room.
Continue reading… “1 in 5 People Don’t Take Prescription Drugs Because of Cost”
A third of men haven’t had a check-up in over a year.
About half of men ages 18 to 50 don’t have a primary-care physician, and a third haven’t had a checkup in more than a year, a new survey shows.
Continue reading… “Half of 18 to 50 Year Old Men Don’t Go to the Doctor”
Our happiest years come in retirement and decades after the age of 70.
If your carefree youth is a distant memory and you’re entering middle age with a sense of gloom . . . cheer up. The happiest time of your life is probably yet to come.
Continue reading… “People are Happiest After Age 70 and Don’t Become Grumpy with Old Age”
Artificial dyes in food are not just limited to candy.
Push a cart down a supermarket aisle, and you’ll pass a kaleidoscope of color. The use of artificial dyes by foodmakers is up by half since 1990, and it’s not limited to candy. The list of foods made pretty by chemicals now includes pickles, bagels and port wine cheese balls.
Continue reading… “Food Dye’s May be Linked to Hyperactivity in Children”
‘Blackberry thumb’
Tennis elbow, writer’s block and even athlete’s foot are problems than can cause considerable discomfort and more than a little embarrassment. Adding to the list of potential health hazards, the widespread use of hand-held devices at work has spawned a new condition.
The top spot as the laziest state in the union is Tennessee
In the earliest days of the U.S., the frontier was a tough place to live. Surely more than one pioneer, upon reaching the rushing and roiling Mississippi River, turned to his wagon-mates and said, with a wave of his hand, “Yeah, this looks like a nice place to settle, let’s call it a day.”
Continue reading… “Top 10 Laziest States in America”
Here’s a little something for the people who list fitness goals as part of their New years resolution; a glance back at some antique fitness equipment.
Continue reading… “Crazy Antique Fitness Equipment”
The eyes have it – Computer Vision Syndrome!
If you find yourself looking in the mirror at the end of a long day only to see the bloodshot eyes of a crackhead staring back at you, it may be because you are addicted to something —your digital devices.
Continue reading… “Computer Vision Syndrome Sweeping the Country”
Visiting a doctor is not one of man’s priorities.
On the list of a man’s priorities, it seems that visiting the local doctor does not sit highly. More than one in five men have not visited a GP or other healthcare professional in the last 12 months, according to a survey published March 15, 2011.
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