IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn’t bode well for humanity


 IQ rates are dropping and we’re too stupid to figure out why.

 An intelligence crisis could undermine our problem-solving capacities and dim the prospects of the global economy.

IQ rates are falling across Western Europe, and experts are scratching their heads as to why.May 22, 2019, 2:31 AM MDT

People are getting dumber. That’s not a judgment; it’s a global fact. In a host of leading nations, IQ scores have started to decline.

Though there are legitimate questions about the relationship between IQ and intelligence, and broad recognition that success depends as much on other virtues like grit, IQ tests in use throughout the world today really do seem to capture something meaningful and durable. Decades of research have shown that individual IQ scores predict things such as educational achievement and longevity. More broadly, the average IQ score of a country is linked to economic growth and scientific innovation.

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IQ scores are falling and have been for decades, new study finds

The research suggests that genes aren’t what’s driving the decline in IQ scores

“It’s not that dumb people are having more kids than smart people,” researcher says

(CNN) — IQ scores have been steadily falling for the past few decades, and environmental factors are to blame, a new study says.

The research suggests that genes aren’t what’s driving the decline in IQ scores, according to the study, published Monday.

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Genetically engineered humans could have IQ’s of 1,000

super intelligent

Tweaking our genomes we could make humans drastically smarter.

Scientist Stephen Hsu’s theory is that genetically engineered human beings could have IQs of 1000 or higher. Hsu is something of a scientific polymath, who has done work pertaining to quantum physics, dark energy, finance, and information security, as well as genomics and bioinformatics, or the application of computer science and statistics to biological data. He officially holds the title of Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies at Michigan State, where he is also a professor of Theoretical Physics.



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Why first-born children are smarter

First-borns around the world, it turns out, have higher IQ’s.

According to a new study “those born earlier perform better in school” and, it’s because of the parents. Parents simply go easy on their later-born kids, according to data analyzed by economists V. Joseph Hotz and Juan Pantano, and as a result, first-born children tend to receive both the best parenting and the best grades.


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Are people with a high IQ less creative?

Albert Einstein

Lewis Terman believed that only knowing the IQ of a person could predict their success in life and this potential could be measured since childhood.  That is why he sent his colleagues to California schools and gave the children a few IQ tests, identifying 1500 children whose IQs averaged 150 points.

He took for granted that these children were going to make great contributions to their disciplines in the future.



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Humans are getting smarter

Don’t be surprised when your toddler can operate your laptop.  There’s a rise in IQ levels all around.

James R. Flynn explains how he came to understand how our minds have gained in cognitive skills during the 20th century in an excerpt from his new book, Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century.



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Study: Spanking kids can cause long-term harm


The study shows a mountain of accumulated evidence the damage physical punishment can have on a child.

Long-term developmental damage as well as a lower IQ can be a result of spanking children according to a new Canadian analysis that seeks to shift the ethical debate over corporal punishment into the medical sphere.

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Motivation Affects IQ Scores as Well as Intelligence


IQ scores reflect motivation as well as intelligence.

A new study suggests that if you want to improve your child’s chances of getting into Mensa then bribe them during their IQ test.  Offering a financial reward for doing well on an IQ test can increase their score by up to 20 points on the scale where the average is 100 and Mensa membership is around 150, according to scientists.

Prenatal Exposure to Pesticides Leads to Diminished IQ’s in Children

prenatal pesticides

The study found some of the risks that pesticides were already known to pose to children, including ADHD and learning difficulties.

It was reported this week by the Environmental Working Group that three studies published simultaneously all came to the same eye-opening conclusion.  The conclusion was prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides leads to diminished IQs in children between the ages of 6 and 9.


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Wealthiest Countries Are Also the Smartest Countries: Study

World richest country map

The smartest 5 percent, made a big contribution to the strength of their economies.

It’s not just how free the market is. Some economists are looking at another factor that determines how much a country’s economy flourishes: how smart its people are. For a study published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, researchers analyzed test scores from 90 countries and found that the intelligence of the people, particularly the smartest 5 percent, made a big contribution to the strength of their economies.


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