Tobacco’s new crisis – rich people stopped smoking, the poor didn’t

Smokers 1

After decades of lawsuits, public campaigns and painful struggles, Americans have finally done what once seemed impossible: Most of the country has quit smoking, saving millions of lives and leading to massive reductions in cancer.

That is, unless those Americans are poor, uneducated or live in a rural area.

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Menthol smokers have more strokes: Study


Some experts say menthol makes it easier to start smoking and harder to quit because its taste masks the harshness of tobacco.

Among people who smoke who prefer mentholated cigarettes tend to have more strokes than non-menthol smokers – and this seems to be especially true for women and non-African Americans, according to a North American study.

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More employers penalize smokers with higher insurance premiums


Wal-Mart Stores, the nation’s largest employer, recently sought the higher payments from some smokers, as much as $2000 more than non-smokers.

Employers are making  a shift toward penalizing employees with unhealthy lifestyles rather than rewarding employees with good habits as more employers are demanding that workers who smoke, are overweight or have high cholesterol shoulder a greater share of their health care costs.


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Morning smokers at an increased risk of developing cancer

morning smoker

Early morning smokers have higher levels of nicotine and possibly other tobacco toxins in their body.

Are you a smoker that  needs a cigarette soon after waking up in the morning? Then, you have an increased risk of developing lung, and head and neck cancers, two new studies have warned.

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New nicotine inhaler: Is it a safer alternative to cigarettes?


Alex Hearn’s nicotine inhaler

There are thousands of ex-smokers who haven given up their habit, only to feel the yearning for the euphoric effects of nicotine. And there are the smokers who refuse to listen to reason and continue the habit saying, “Death is inevitable -whether by cigarette or a car-it make no difference.” Continue reading… “New nicotine inhaler: Is it a safer alternative to cigarettes?”

Citigroup Estimates in 50 Years Smoking Will Die Out Around the World


In approximately 50 years there will be no smokers in the developed nations according to Citigroup.

Citigroup estimates that within approximately 50 years there will be no smokers left in developed nations. We list the date smoking will die in 18 different countries from the UK to New Zealand.

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