Tesla’s new solar roof will cost less and keep your house off the Grid all day

We all know that nature is a powerful force. I was reminded just how powerful after last week’s wind storm, when the next day I found shingles from my roof littered on the lawn. I’ve been driving around the last week, and observing all the damage that storm caused, getting quotes from roofers, dealing with insurance, and realizing that I was not alone. One contractor said that they received 300 hundred calls in one day. All that damage caused by one storm. My roof looks like it needs to be replaced, and by the look of the other roofs in my neighborhood, I am not alone. Which of course left me day-dreaming about upgrading to include the new Solar Panels being produced by Tesla and Panasonic in Buffalo.

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Trillions of tiny solar panels could power the internet of things by 2020

solar cells

The internet of things will run your home, keep you healthy and even check how much food is in your fridge. With all of these objects being interconnected via a global network means a trillion new “smart sensors” will need to be installed around the world by 2020. But what’s going to power these devices?

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Wave Solar – a solar home energy generator


The Wave Solar is a home energy generator that makes electrical power, heat, hot water and air conditioning from a solar thermal panel.  The system is backed up by natural gas or propane for cloudy days or if the power goes out at night.

Wave Solar is one of the featured exhibitors at the DaVinci Inventor Showcase. The Inventor Showcase will take place October 10-11, 2015 at the NoCo Maker Faire. You will have a chance to take a look at the Wave Solar and many other amazing inventions.

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This ‘artificial leaf’ could produce the cleanest energy on Earth


Plants are the original solar power generators, turning the sun’s rays into energy through the process we all learned about in biology class: photosynthesis. So, when we think of solar power, we should be thinking about plants instead of solar panels.

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Project Sunroof uses Google Maps data to tell you if it’s worth installing solar panels on your roof


With the help of Google Maps, there is a new service called Project Sunroof that aims to provide a “treasure map” of solar energy. Sunroof gives homeowners detailed information about how much solar power their roof can generate and how much money they could save on electricity costs by adding solar panels.

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Innovation is the reason China’s solar is cheap


You may hear quite often that “the only reason solar is so cheap is because China is dumping cells. ”Let me correct it. Here is the price, as of February 2015, of solar modules, per watt sold in Europe. SE Asia (Malaysia, mostly) is cheapest. China is next. Japan, Korea, and Germany are slightly above that.

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Top 6 shifts coming soon to energy markets near you


Trillions of dollars will be invested in renewable energy over the next 25 years. This will drive some of the most profound changes yet in how humans get their electricity. That’s according to a new forecast by Bloomberg New Energy Finance that plots out global power markets to 2040.

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Engineering the Secret Engines of Off-Grid Living


Futurist Thomas Frey: Having just returned from a trip to Alaska, it occurred to me that most of the 660,000 sq miles of this beautiful state will never be habitable until a more complete off-grid solution is found. In Alaska, they’ve already figured out how to turn every one of their 3 million lakes into a landing strip, so transportation is far less of an issue than power, heat, lights, water, and communications.

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Clear solar panel could turn windows into a power source


Michigan State University researchers have developed a transparent solar cell capable of being used as a replacement for windows.  Due to the fact traditional solar panels absorb light and convert it into energy, this concept was once deemed impossible as transparent surfaces are not capable of absorbing light.   Continue reading… “Clear solar panel could turn windows into a power source”

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