Sleep in 2050


Zoltan Istvan stated that Transhumanism is an intellectual and international movement influenced by actual science and technology innovation much of it created by the under 40s who consist of: – life extensionists, tecno-optimists, Singularitarians, biohackers, roboticists, artificial intelligence proponents and futurists. (Istvan, Z. 2011. The Transhumanist Wager.)

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When humans live for 1,000 years, marriage won’t make sense


Many peopler were jubilant when the US Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of gay marriage, events that lead to more freedom and equality are positive progress.  However, the fact that marriage—especially to many young people—isn’t as attractive as it once was seems to be missing from most news coverage.   Continue reading… “When humans live for 1,000 years, marriage won’t make sense”

The 3 laws of transhumanism and artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence morality will be different from our human morality.

By Zoltan Istvan: I recently gave a speech at the Artificial Intelligence and The Singularity Conference in Oakland, California. There was a great lineup of speakers, including AI experts Peter Voss and Monica Anderson, New York University professor Gary Marcus, sci-fi writer Nicole Sallak Anderson, and futurist Scott Jackisch. All of us are interested in how the creation of artificial intelligence will impact the world.



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