You can learn a foreign language in your sleep: Study

learn while sleeping

Swiss study finds memory for new words reinforced by listening again during sleep.

Most tricks for enhancing learning that seem too good to be true usually are. Learning a new language while you sleep has exactly this kind of ring to it. How can anything you listen to while you are asleep possibly have much effect on learning?



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Dolphins use whistles to call each other by individual names

Dolphins have individual signature whistles.

Humans use particular vocal labels for objects and for people. These are called words, and names. There are many animals that use sounds to convey information such as a wolf’s howl.  Some creatures, such as parrots and dolphins, can learn specific vocal labels. And wild dolphins are known to have particular, individual signature whistles. Scientists at Scotland’s St. Andrews University wanted to know: can these whistles be used as labels?



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Word usage predicts dating success


Function words – those unassuming “filler” words like the, this, though, I, an, there, and, that – are mightier than you think. For one, they’re a very good predictor of sex and love.

Yes, sex and love. Now that I’ve got your attention, on to the story of how analyzing the patterns of the use of these words in speech between two strangers in a speed dating scenario can be a very good predictor of who will get the date…

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More words dropped and fewer words added to languages in digital age: Study


Words are being dropped from languages faster and new ones added at a slower rate.

Adding new words or dropping old ones to an existing language  is something people have always done. As new things or ideas are discovered, new words crop up to describe them. But now, in the digital age, that process appears to be slowing despite the increased pace of new things arriving on the scene.

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295 words and phrases blocked by Chinese internet censors


The Chinese government is not shy about its Internet censorship, even launching an official campaign known as the Golden Shield Project, or “Great Firewall.”

Most people in the world who get into trouble on Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites fail to exercise a bit of healthy self-censorship. A new Carnegie Mellon University study has identified the 295 words and phrases the Chinese government looks for when it steps in and forcibly blocks communication between its own citizens.

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Rethinking Education – The needs of the future are mandating that we produce a faster, smarter, better grade of human being


The average person in the U.S. has 100,500 words flowing into their heads on a daily basis.

In 2008, Roger Bohn and James Short, two researchers at the University of California in San Diego, decided to do a study to determine the amount of information people have entering their brains on a daily basis.


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The Color Orange Was Named After The Fruit

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Life would be quite different if these would have been known as ‘geoluhreads’.

The color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around. Before then, the English speaking world referred to the orange color as geoluhread, which literally translates to ‘yellow-red.’ The word orange itself was introduced to English through the Spanish word ‘naranja,’ which came from the Sanskrit word nāraga, which literally means ‘orange tree.’

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