Automatic for the people? Experts predict how AI will transform the workplace


As artificial intelligence is increasingly introduced into business, an expert panel – hosted by the Guardian – forecast how it will change our working live

Workplaces should use automation technologies to enhance employees’ jobs rather than to replace humans, according to speakers at an event held by the Guardian on 11 July. However, they saw problems in the introduction of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robots, the latter including software as well as physical machines.

Will robots replace us?

“Humans should not worry too much about replacement, but need to find new ways to work together with AI,” said Chelsea Chen, co-founder of Emotech, a company which makes a voice-operated device called Olly that aims to recognise users’ emotions as well the content of speech.

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How AI is finding gender-inequality in the workplace


The Fair Pay Act is a strict gender-equality law recently enacted in California. The law puts the burden of proof on a company to show that it has not shortchanged an employee’s salary based on gender. It’s a powerful tool to address a wrong that has already happened. But can discrimination be prevented in the first place? Even managers who don’t think they are biased may be—and just their word choices can send a signal. A new wave of artificial intelligence companies aims to spot nuanced biases in workplace language and behavior in order to root them out.

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The future of coworking and why it’s not just for startups and freelancers anymore


DaVinci Institute, Westminster, Colorado

Would you define your workplace as fun, friendly, inspiring, collaborative, and productive? If not, you may have to ditch your own desk and take a seat at a coworking space near you. Even if you aren’t an entrepreneur or freelancer, the benefits of coworking, according to Deskmag’s annual Global Coworking Survey, are pretty hard to ignore: 71 percent of participants reported a boost in creativity since joining a coworking space, while 62 percent said their standard of work had improved.

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Top 10 jobs that don’t exist yet, but will in the future

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Technology is moving very quickly. The landscape of modern business is set to change dramatically in the next few decades. According to top-rated futurist speaker Thomas Frey, by 2030 a predicted 2 billion jobs will disappear, but plenty of new ones will replace them. There’s work, but not as we know it…


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Virtual reality technology is the future of work


Facebook recently acquired Oculus VR for $2 billion.

Virtually reality was the stuff of science fiction not very long ago. Now, virtual reality is increasingly emerging into the real world. A new infographic produced by collaboration specialist PGi explores the current state of virtual reality and the possibility that it will soon be appearing in the world of work. (Infographic)



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The ever-changing face of the workplace: Infographic

changing workplace

Employers are adapting to the changing structure of the work environments

Today’s workplace is nothing like professional environments of the past, in part due to recent technology advances, and partly a result of the influence of the growing number of Millennials in the workforce . To meet these changes, employers are adapting not only their hiring practices but also the structure of the work environments.



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America’s happiest companies make more money

Is there a direct connection between having happy workers and improved profitability?

A new addition of the “100 Best Companies To Work For” is released every year around this time.  In this report employers deemed to have the happiest and most satisfied workers are heartily celebrated by the media.




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Social media in the workplace – Is anyone actually working?

Everyone spends their time discussing the work they should be doing rather than actually doing it.

It seems like almost everyone is social today.  Every minute, Twitter users average 100,000 tweets, Facebook users post 684,478 pieces of content, Tumblr blog owners publish 27,778 new posts and Flickr users add 3,125 new photos. Facebook and Twitter are great tools for connecting and communicating with people in our social lives, or for brands communicating with customers, the real value of pure-play social tools as standalone applications within a business has yet to be proven.




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