Scientists Created Singing Mouse. No, Seriously.

singing-mouse 432

Fa, la, la, la, la, la.

Having cured cancer and other serious ailments, a team of Japanese scientists from the University of Osaka turned to the next most vexing scientific problem facing the world today, the lack of singing mice, and licked that problem too. No seriously. Singing mouse.

A team of researchers at the University of Osaka created the animal in their “Evolved Mouse Project”, in which they use genetically modified mice that are prone to miscopying DNA and thus to mutations…

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Inventors Compete for Distinction at the Annual DaVinci Inventor Showcase

Jerome Rifkin

Inventor of the Year – Jerome Rifkin, Tensegrity Prosthetics

The DaVinci Institute’s annual Inventors Showcase featured 39 inventors showcasing all manner of creations, from audio-enabled greeting cards to jewelry to roving robots inspecting the show floor.


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‘The Ark’ – A Floating Hotel Designed to Withstand Even the Most Extreme Floods


The Ark

Speaking to the world’s rising sea levels, Russia-based architectural firm Remistudio proposes this arch-shaped floating hotel as a refuge from even extreme floods. Called (quite appropriately) the Ark, the futuristic structure has the ability to exist autonomously on the surface of the water. Designed to be a bioclimatic building, the Ark incorporates several innovative green strategies and elements to ensure that its residents can survive aboard for months at a time. (Pics)


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Roofus – Radio-controlled Robotic Snow Plow



Roofus is a radio-controlled snow plow designed to remove snow from roofs of buildings (thus, the name Roof-us) where it would be particularly risky for a human to do so.  Personally, I would like to employ it for my driveway during the winter and sit back with a warm coffee, directing it’s efforts. (Pics)


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12 Tips From The Stupidest Criminals Of 2010


Criminals are not always the smartest or luckiest people

If you’re robbing a pizza joint asking for ‘dough’ and pointing to a bag behind the counter, don’t look surprised when you end up with a bag full of pizza ingredients.
Most lawbreakers aren’t exactly geniuses, but these troublemakers cross the line between foolishness and downright ineptitude…

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Are Humans Becoming More Stupid? Man’s Brain Has Been Shrinking Over Last 20,000 Years


A 3D image replica of a 28,000-year-old skull found in France shows it was 20 per cent larger than ours.

It’s not something we’d like to admit, but it seems the human race may actually be becoming increasingly dumb.  Man’s brain has been gradually shrinking over the last 20,000 years, according to a new report.


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Living Earth Simulator – Predicting the Future of Everything


The Living Earth Simulator aims to predict how diseases spread.

It could be one of the most ambitious computer projects ever conceived.  An international group of scientists are aiming to create a simulator that can replicate everything happening on Earth – from global weather patterns and the spread of diseases to international financial transactions or congestion on Milton Keynes’ roads.


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Alzheimer’s Therapy Allows Patient Anything They Want, Even Chocolate


Comforting food improves patients’ behavior and mood because it “sends messages they can still understand.

Margaret Nance was, to put it mildly, a difficult case. Agitated, combative, often reluctant to eat, she would hit staff members and fellow residents at nursing homes, several of which kicked her out. But when Beatitudes nursing home agreed to an urgent plea to accept her, all that changed.


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How Americans Try to Control Their Impulses Through Technology


 Apps and devices help the weak of will put on the brakes when texting, spending or driving would be self-destructive.

Dan Nainan can’t trust himself to work at his computer without clicking on distractions, so he uses an Internet-blocking program to shut down his Web access twice a day. “I’m sorry, but try as I might, I could never, ever do this on my own,” said the New York City comedian, who’s struggling to finish a book. “I wish I could, but I just don’t have the discipline.”


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