3D printed eye cells could one day cure blindness

Researchers have actually printed viable retina cells using an inkjet printer.

The ability to print up new, living versions of the damaged parts of your body is becoming more viable as a medical procedure, and cuts and scrapes aren’t the only maladies that medical 3D printing can help cure. Living, 3D printed retina cells could someday aid in curing many kinds of blindness.



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A solar-powered 3D printer that prints glass from sand

Marcus Kayser’s Solar Sinter project

When Markus Kayser, a design student, wanted to test his solar-powered, sand-fed 3-D printer, he knew the gray skies outside his London apartment wouldn’t do. So he shipped the 200-plus-pound contraption to Cairo, Egypt, flew there himself, and haggled with officials for two days to get it out of customs. A few small “tips” and 11 hours of driving later, he finally made it to the Sahara. But soon the mercury hit 104 degrees, his components nearly overheated, and he was forced to improvise.



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Foodini: A 3D food printer for your kitchen

A pizza made with the Foodini 3D printer.

3D printersthat print food-based products have been around for a few years now. The first commercial chocolate 3D printer arrived back in 2011. But the Barcelona-based 3D printingstartup Natural Machines wasn’t satisfied with mere chocolate. They wanted to 3D print a more balanced meal — say, a pizza. (Video)



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Virtual reality and museums of the future


What if you were able to visit the Louvre, the Rijksmuseum and the Guggenheim all in one day? Imagine looking at the world’s most famous masterpieces from your favorite chair in your own home. Imagine being able to look around museums and visit heritage sites that you otherwise might never be able to see because you can’t afford it, or aren’t physically able to travel, or just don’t have the time. Then imagine creating your own museum, populating it with your favorite works of art and sharing your creation with others.



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Making big things out of small 3D printed pieces

A sample of the cellular composite material is prepared for testing of its strength properties.

Researchers at MIT have developed a lightweight structure whose tiny blocks can be snapped together much like the bricks of a child’s construction toy. The new material could revolutionize the assembly of airplanes, spacecraft, and even larger structures, such as dikes and levees, according to the researchers.



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3D printing is Hollywood’s smartest new marketing tool

“The Key to Erebor”

Hollywood is embracing 3D printing in a big way. Warner Bros. will offer fans digital blueprints of “The Key to Erebor” to help market he Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug.  “The Key to Erebor” is a key item from the series, which fans can 3D print on their own or send to a company like Shapeways to print for them.



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Scientists develop new ‘liquid metal’ that will let you print circuits on paper, T-shirts, or even leaves

Soon we could be able to print circuits as well as 3-D products in the comfort of our homes.

Three scientists in China have found a way to create a metal that’s liquid at room temperatures, can be printed as if it was ink in ordinary, everyday desktop printers, and will adhere to surfaces as diverse and supple as rubber, paper, cotton T-shirts, or a leaf off an oak tree.



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Mini Metal Maker: A $1000 3D printer that prints metal


The Mini Metal Maker prints 3D objects from digital files directly in precious metal clay, rather than in plastic. Once these clay objects air-dry, they are fired in a kiln to produce beautiful solid metal objects of high purity and precision. Using metal clay essentially replaces the entire wax-casting or lost-wax process ordinarily needed to do this. The Mini Metal Maker will add new capability for the DIY inventor or artist by making fabrication in metal easy and direct. It will be a boon for anyone interested in creating their own gears, miniature mechanisms, or printing detailed jewelry or metal ornaments. The Mini Metal Maker is built around the concept of using the minimum number of parts, reducing the cost to produce and also eliminating many chances for error during assembly.



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3D printed biodegradable underwear can be made in 3 seconds

3D printed underwear.

For those who hate to do laundry the days of washing your underwear may soon be over. Thanks to the power and versatility of 3D textile printing, the Tamicare company has created a biodegradable and completely customizable fabric that comes in any desired shape, with no fabric waste. (Video)



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3D printed meat may be coming sooner than you think

Modern Meadow is developing technology to provide instant meat.

You have probably read about the “Googleburger,” so named because Google’s founder Sergey Brin bankrolled it. Have you heard of Modern Meadow, though? Modern Meadow is developing the technology that will someday in the distant future provide the meat counterpart of instant coffee: instant beef!  For now, it is focusing on synthetic meat made with 3D printers.



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