If a fetus can be transferred to a fabricated womb, can the right to abortion survive?
Continue reading… “Artificial wombs are coming and could completely change the debate over abortion”
If a fetus can be transferred to a fabricated womb, can the right to abortion survive?
Continue reading… “Artificial wombs are coming and could completely change the debate over abortion”
In Colorado, 15 of the first 500 FAA exemptions were granted to permit commercial drones to fly. But enabling those and other waiting businesses to spur an estimated $232 million in economic impact — and create more than 1,190 jobs — in Colorado by 2017 hinges on long-delayed rules based on a 1946 U.S. Supreme Court case filed by a poultry farmer.
Continue reading… “MIA federal rules stall Colorado’s ready-to-fly dronemakers”
It has never been said that it is fun to go through a DUI checkpoint, at the very least because they slow people from getting to their destination. However, it is generally understood that while not very fun, the checkpoints help to keep drunk or impaired drivers off the road. Continue reading… “Drivers refusing to talk to police at DUI checkpoints”
Futurist Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey is currently Google’s Top Rated Futurist Speaker. He serves as the Senior Futurist and Executive Director of the DaVinci Institute. Read his article “The Complexity Disease”.
Continue reading… “Complexity in Systems Increase Cost”
3D printed lingerie.
A Eurasian Union law prevents the production or import of lace garments, but the German lingerie brand, Lascana, has turned to 3D printing to circumvent that law. Lingerie lovers rejoice because you next pair of sexy undies may be on the way to you thanks to 3D printing.
Continue reading… “Russians circumvent lingerie ban by 3D printing it”
A ban on office communications in the evening and during vacation time could even become law.
Some German companies such as BMW, Volkswagen and Deutsche Telekom, in the last few years, have banned after-hours calls and emails to workers. The point of the ban is to actually let people take time off in the evening, rather than effectively being half-working all the time.
Continue reading… “Germany considers ban on after-hours office communications to workers”
What’s the most damaging legal myth holding young entrepreneurs back?
The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs, provided the answers to the following question: What’s the most damaging legal myth holding young entrepreneurs back? In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.
All websites must give minors in California an option to delete user activity.
Google’s Eric Schmidt suggested earlier this year that the internet should have a “delete” button for individuals that wanted to remove troubling information from the web, and thanks to a new law minors in California will get that chance.
Continue reading… “New law in California will let kids erase online past”
A 200- year old law forbidding women in Paris to wear pants has been revoked.
In January, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, France’s minister of women’s rights, made it officially impossible to arrest a woman for wearing trousers in the French capital.
A religious circumcision.
The Bundestag hurriedly passed some strange new legislation last month: the “Circumcision Law.” The law guarantees the right for parents to have their children circumcised. This was the government’s answer to a passionate and uncomfortable five-month debate over the practice, in which religious minorities and their supporters clashed with a cabal of doctors and politicians over tolerance versus children’s rights.
Heartspeak Productions with the Community Justice Initiatives Association has produced a 48-minute video from the Fraser region of British Columbia. The film discusses Canadian law and constitution and human rights as a fundamental basis of law.
Continue reading… “Restorative justice, human rights, and the law: Video”
“Absolute freedom of the network does not exist … the virtual society and social reality are inseparable.”
China wants to pass a law that will abolish online anonymity which requires citizens to identify themselves when signing up for Internet and telecommunications services.
Continue reading… “Chinese government bans internet anonymity”
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