Interactive Bionic Man features 14 novel biotechnologies


NIBIB Bionic Man

The “NIBIB Bionic Man” is an interactive Web tool that showcases cutting-edge research in biotechnology that has recently been launched by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering. The bionic man features 14 technologies currently being developed by NIBIB-supported researchers.


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Disney ‘s new 3-D printing technique turns any object into a speaker

3d speaker

3D printed interactive speaker

What if every object in your life could talk? A door handle warns you when someone has attempted to enter without a key. A desk ticks off your appointments when you sit down. A rubber duck quacks at a child in the tub, then his pillow sings him a lullaby to sleep. (Video)



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Brain Trip: Brain wave reading game gives museum visitors a surreal trip

brain trip

‘Brain Trip’

The Centraal Museum in Utrecht, the Netherlands, is offering an additional experience for its ‘Surreal Worlds’ exhibition that monitors visitors’ brain waves. Interactive agency Rhinofly developed the interactive installation ‘Brain Trip’, which enriches visitors’ trip and enables them to experience surrealism in an innovative way. (Video)



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Gaze-activated dresses light up and move when you stare at them


The overlap between fashion and technology is growing. A recent example comes from fashion designer Ying Gao, who made two dresses that glow and wiggle around when someone glances at them. Yes, the pair of “gaze-activated” dresses love to have an audience.



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Corning’s “A Day Made of Glass” Video – The Future of Specialty Glass


Can you imagine organizing your daily schedule with a few touches on your bathroom mirror? Chatting with far-away relatives through interactive video on your kitchen counter? Reading a classic novel on a whisper-thin piece of flexible glass?


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PARO Interactive Therapeutic Robot



PARO is an advanced interactive robot developed by AIST, a leading Japanese industrial automation pioneer. It allows the documented benefits of animal therapy to be administered to patients in environments such as hospitals and extended care facilities where live animals present treatment or logistical difficulties. (Pics)


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By delving into the futuring techniques of Futurist Thomas Frey, you’ll embark on an enlightening journey.

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