Humanity confronts a defining question: How will AI change us?


What will happen when we’ve built machines as intelligent as us? According to the experts this incredible feat will be achieved in the year 2062 – a mere 44 years away – which certainly begs the question: what will the world, our jobs, the economy, politics, war, and everyday life and death, look like then?

Fortunately, Toby Walsh, Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at UNSW has done the research for us.

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7 facts you didn’t know about blockchain


It could transform how we track nearly every transaction.

You may have heard the term “blockchain” used when people talk about cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. If you’re unsure of what it means, think of blockchains as ledgers that keep track of transactions. In the case of bitcoin, the blockchain is a record of financial transactions between parties. The blockchain is decentralized, meaning that no one is in charge of it, and the data isn’t owned or stored by any one company, but rather dispersed across many computers.

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The maker of an internet-connected garage door disabled a customer’s device over a bad review

There’s a new, dystopian risk to using internet-connected gadgets: If you complain, the company that made it might remotely kill your product.

This is what happened to one customer who bought Garadget — an internet-connected garage door opener. It lets you remotely lock or unlock your garage with an app, or see if it’s open.

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The World Wide Web’s inventor warns it’s in peril on 28th anniversary

Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web, now wants to save it.

The computer scientist who wrote the blueprint for what would become the World Wide Web 28 years ago today is alarmed at what has happened to it in the past year.

“Over the past 12 months, I’ve become increasingly worried about three new trends, which I believe we must tackle in order for the web to fulfill its true potential as a tool which serves all of humanity,” he said in a statement issued from London. He cited compromised personal data; fake news that he says has “spread like wildfire”; and the lack of regulation in political advertising, which he says threatens democracy.

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Trillions of tiny solar panels could power the internet of things by 2020

solar cells

The internet of things will run your home, keep you healthy and even check how much food is in your fridge. With all of these objects being interconnected via a global network means a trillion new “smart sensors” will need to be installed around the world by 2020. But what’s going to power these devices?

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The Search Engine of Things


In the future ordinary devices will be sensor equipped and wifi-connected. But the Internet of Things might be missing a concept that is something like its inverse: Let’s call it the Search Engine of Things. That is, a device or suite of devices that can identify and contextualize the objects that surround us in the physical world, from pills to trees to hamburgers.

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Internet of Things will transform the insurance industry within the next 5 years

reduction in us crashes between trucks with vs. without safety systems

Over then next five years, the ability to bring internet connection to almost every type of consumer device will be huge implications for the insurance industry. Insurers looking to cut costs, improve business practices, and better assess clients’ risk levels, will increasingly invest in the Internet of Things (IoT).

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