Easy ways you can turn coworking space into success for your business


Coworking Trends: Small Businesses Enter the Fray

The number of freelancers and remote workers in the American workforce continues to rise. So the shift towards coworking and other flexible workspace options will continue to play a prominent role in how and where we work. And as the industry evolves, it appears many small businesses are using coworking as a competitive advantage.

NOTE: For more information about coworking in the Denver/Boulder area, contact Colony Workspace at 303-666-4133!

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From coworking to a smart city.


This year is the 10th anniversary of my decision to devote myself to the creation of the models of social changes. After banging my head against the wall, trying to scale the default coworking business model, I realized that only city-wide catalyst models such as smart city can survive and are ones of the pillars of the future of coworking business as well as cities itself.

It took some time when I tried to persuade the atomized community of small coworking owners that our model will not sustain and will probably end up very, very soon, but they didn’t want to listen. Next year, the network of publicly financed spaces turned up into business, disrupting the co-working space in every major city.

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A look into the future of hospitality and coworking

coworking hotel

What if you could book a room at a hotel where you choose your actual room, when you first book the space. It would be similar to choosing a seat on an airline seating chart. The difference is that instead of choosing a window or an aisle, you choose high or low floors, close proximity to the elevators, your preferred bed configuration, and even your room category, depending on size and view: “Smart Street,” “Smart Garden” or “Smart Maisonette” (two-level suite). Welcome to the Hotel Schani in Vienna, Austria!

If you’re looking for a refreshing new coworking community to join, check out the futurist tech community at the DaVinci Institute in Westminster, CO.

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The future of coworking for women entrepreneurs and freelancers


You have probably heard of or have worked at a coworking space if you are an entrepreneur or freelancer. It was in 2005 when Brad Neurberg launched the first co-working space in San Francisco at Spiral Muse to support community and structure within the freedom of working for yourself. Since then, the concept has exploded on the entrepreneurial culture.

If you’re looking for a refreshing new coworking community to join, check out the futurist tech community at the DaVinci Institute in Westminster, CO.

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The future of coworking and why it’s not just for startups and freelancers anymore


DaVinci Institute, Westminster, Colorado

Would you define your workplace as fun, friendly, inspiring, collaborative, and productive? If not, you may have to ditch your own desk and take a seat at a coworking space near you. Even if you aren’t an entrepreneur or freelancer, the benefits of coworking, according to Deskmag’s annual Global Coworking Survey, are pretty hard to ignore: 71 percent of participants reported a boost in creativity since joining a coworking space, while 62 percent said their standard of work had improved.

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The Perfection Quandary


Futurist Thomas Frey:  I often wake up in the middle of the night with a big idea, something I’ve dubbed the grand epiphany. But as it turns out, very few actually fit into the “grand” category.

Whenever they do, big ideas carries with them a heavy responsibility, the responsibility of either moving them forward or allowing them to die in the silent echo chambers of our own grey matter.

For this reason, I’ve often equated my eureka moments to that of being tortured by my own ideas. Yes, grand ideas are a wonderful playground where you can dream about starting a new company, solving some of the world’s biggest problems, and constructing visions of wealth and influence, all in the time it takes most people to get ready for work.

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The Future of the Darknet: 9 Critically Important Predictions


Futurist Thomas Frey:  Have you ever run across a situation so frustrating that you wished you could hire a “fixer?”

Maybe it has to do with gangs moving into your neighborhood, or the local slumlord not willing to repair a dangerous situation, or a local politician taking bribes, or finding out that your husband is also married to someone else in another state.

My guess is that we’ve all run into problems that are outside of our ability to deal with and we need help. But the help we need is not the normal kind. We don’t have millions to throw at lawyers and we don’t have the time, patience, or resources to go though official channels.   Continue reading… “The Future of the Darknet: 9 Critically Important Predictions”

Will Coworking Replace Colleges?


Futurist Tom Frey:  When I first brought up the idea of coworking taking over colleges, it seemed like an absurd notion. But there is a secret reason that very few people are grasping.

At first glance, the highly structured ivory towers of academia seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum from the unstructured anything-goes world of coworking. But the more I thought about it, it seems inevitable that the two are on a collision course.

In fact, it’s already happening, but not in the ways you may imagine.

NOTE:  Anyone interested in learning to code, DaVinci Coders offers multiple courses designed to get you into the rapidly growing technology industry.  For more info please visit davincicoders.com.

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